Facebook and Indian Heart Association.
The Indian Heart Association wants to help you stay at the forefront of our shared battle against heart disease. Get the latest updates from the IHA on our Facebook page, where we share insightful articles, upcoming events, and help distill complicated medical jargon into everyday language. For example, you’ve probably heart that obesity is a global epidemic that increases risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. While South Asians may have lower rates of traditional obesity compared to other ethnic groups, obesity rates are increasing rapidly, in particular abdominal obesity. A BMI (body mass index) of 23 or higher is considered overweight for South Asians, versus 25 or higher for other demographics.
From heart healthy tips and recent cardiovascular disease trials, to signs and symptoms of stroke, we want to you to be completely prepared. With over 54,000 Facebook members and growing, join hands with your fellow peers as we fight heart disease together.
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Facebook and Indian Heart Association